Customer Testimonials

Mr D Chamberlain
Sevenoaks, Kent

Very professional, no problems at all, very competitive prices and I will be using him again

Mr P and Mrs T Jenkins
Medway, Kent

A very nice person to have around and I found him to be extremely trustworthy and honest.

Mrs N Snell
Bromley, Kent

I have already recommended to family and friends. Prompt and responsive and I couldn't believe how clean they were. They explored different options within my budget, left samples, provided written quotations, and their service was both quick and superb

Mr N Mountfield
Orpington, Kent

Arrived on time and all work done a to good standard. He is very honest - the work came in below the original quote so he reduced the cost. Very impressed.

Dave Green
Maidstone, Kent

It was very useful to be able to look at his recent work around Kent and Sussex. The finish on the render is outstanding, everyone comments on it, a great team and a great job.

Sheerness, Kent

Very happy with the end result. The house has been transformed and gets lots of compliments.


Is your outside wall looking a bit old, dated needing some care and attention? What ever look you are after we can supply a quality material and finish suitable for your property. Re-Rendering your property can make it look like NEW!

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External Wall Insulation

Reduce heat loss with external wall insulation, even old buildings can be refurbished with outer insulation. A range of colours and finishes available to match your home. We offer External Wall Insulation throughout the South East (London, Kent, Surrey, Essex and East Sussex). Please check out our latest works.

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Coloured Render

We also offer coloured render finish designed to beautifully decorate and robustly protect buildings without the need to paint. Available in a stunning range of traditional and contemporary colours and finishes.

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